Sabtu, 12 Maret 2022




Cryptocurrency is a sort of money which uses progressed records as money. Ordinarily, the records are made using comparable methodologies as cryptography. Advanced monetary forms use ‘decentralized control’, which infers that they aren’t obliged by one individual or government. This is assorted to ‘concentrated’ electronic money and public banks. The control of each computerized cash works through a scattered record or an overview of trades shared by everyone, typically a blockchain, that fills in as a public money related trade informational collection. Bitcoin, first conveyed as open-source programming in 2009, is every now and again called the fundamental decentralized cryptographic cash.

I’m exceptionally glad to have the option to partake in the VIM TOKEN project. I accept that this undertaking will bring about a rearrangement of abundance for its financial backer and thank you again for this open door vim token

 Vimsquare ($VIM) is a cryptocurrency platform that is based on the AMM protocol. It allows users to make direct trades between their wallets. Unlike centralized exchanges, AMMs do not have an order book and the prices are determined by a formula. This makes Acardex a decentralized exchange that is backed by a network of trusted parties.TheVimsquare ($VIM) platform has several advantages over other decentralized exchanges. First, it offers anonymity, and decreases counterparty risks. Second, it is fast and cheap. And third, it does not require KYC. Fourth, it is free to use. Finally, it allows users to exchange their native tokens for ADA, BTC, and ETH. All of these benefits make Vimsquare ($VIM) the perfect platform for anyone who wants to trade cryptocurrencies.

It is a new dawn in the e-commerce industry and blockchain. We are happy to introduce the Vimsquare Marketplace token called $VIM.

Vimsquare is a cryptocurrency project created to support the platform. The $VIM token is the native token of the Vimsquare E-commerce platform. Vimsquare E-commerce platform is primarily powered by the VIM Blockchain Token.

The $VIM tokens are used to reward users for participating in different operations on the Vimsquare Marketplace. The token will serve as a pricing structure for product listing on the Vimquare platform. $VIM token will be used for platform product advertising fees, and subscription fees for upgraded customer accounts.


1. You stand a chance of making substantial money.

Cryptocurrency can be seen as a commodity that can be bought when the prices are low and sold when its value increases. Consider it an investment that appreciates overtime. And the assurance that cryptocurrency can earn you money lies in the fact that lots of people are willing to buy and trade Crypto tokens. This means that a willing market is always assured come what may.

Just make sure you’re well informed about the particular alt coin you’re about to purchase in other not to make mistakes

2. You’ll be giving alt coins a chance to grow.

There’s a saying; the grass is always greener when you water it. By buying these tokens you’ll be giving them a chance to grow by increasing its value. This means you’ll be contributing to the demand of a particular crypto token, indirectly increasing the value of that token. As a major postulate of economics states, sustained demand of a product increases the value of that product.

3. You’ll help checkmate the monopoly of Bitcoin.

One of the leading causes of inflation of a commodity is monopoly. Monopoly is a situation where there’s only one source of satisfying a need.

In this case, since Bitcoin has the leverage of being the prototype of cryptocurrency, it would be expected that its value would be out of this world.

Well, the current price of Bitcoin as at the time of publishing this article is well above $40,000. And this is in a time when they’re other prominent Alt coins in circulation.

Try to imagine what it would have been if they were no alternatives to Bitcoin.

4. Alt coins also use Blockchain technology.

If you’ve read our past articles on Blockchain technology, then you already know what it is.

Blockchain technology is a system of recording transaction information and other details in virtual blocks that are linked in chains to each other. This is the technology that is put in place to guard and modulate cryptocurrency and its transactions. Its strength lies in the fact that trying to falsify a transaction made would mean rewriting all the algorithm and information contained in millions of virtual blocks. Since this is impossible, the cryptocurrency in circulation is intact. It also means no single person in the world is in charge of the cryptocurrency

Vimsquare Tokenomics

For more information:;u=2851798;sa=summary


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