Rising unemployment, the instability of the global economy, and widespread panic caused by the unknown are just a small part of the pandemic’s impact, which has affected millions of lives. Today, more and more people have begun to realize that having a solid “financial cushion” can provide security in difficult life situations.
Despite understanding the importance of investing and building a cash reserve, many people still hesitate to take such risks, mainly due to a large number of myths and a lack of investment experience.
About Praem Capital Ecosystem?
Praem Capital is a Swiss fintech company based on the concept of risk resilience. Praem combines technological solutions to generate profit in five different markets, a unique economic model, and partnerships that open up investor capital insurance opportunities. Since 2017, our team has been working on creating and improving technical solutions in the field of investment. Praem’s activities are aimed at intelligent investment, which is realized through technology that uses AI and trading bots. Each component of our ecosystem is integrated into a common mechanism, due to which it is possible to achieve a holistic and error-free operation of the company’s technologies. Praem Capital is a distinctive and one-of-a-kind platform providing a comprehensive solution to meet all modern investors’ needs.
Mission and Goals
Praem Capital’s integrated solutions and unique developments make it possible to hedge risks and minimize the number of mistakes in trading. The result is even more profit for investors.
● Our mission
is to revolutionize investment by integrating the Praem ecosystem into global businesses and institutions.
● Praem Capital’s goal
is to create an ecosystem that will simplify the process of using investment products, making them accessible to everyone. Achieving this goal allows the company to revolutionize the financial sector. Every investor will have the opportunity to secure their capital from unforeseen changes in financial markets.
Issues and Solutions
Praem Capital solves the most serious issues facing the modern investor.
Issue: Money incorrectly invested in only one niche.
Solution: Thoughtful portfolio diversification. Issue: Lack of experience and knowledge in trading, limited human resources. Solution: Trading bots independently perform trading operations according to specified algorithms and parameters without stopping.
Issue: Rapid change of events, the complexity of processing incoming volumes of information.
Solution: AI and private blockchain process thousands of operations per second, taking into account all the details.
Issue: Risks, drawdowns, and losses.
Solution: Hedge – Fund partnership In case of a high dip, investors’ trading balances will be topped up with 50-100% of the funds in order to continue carrying out profitable orders.
Issue: Lack of opportunity to invest large sums.
Solution: even small start-up capital has the potential for growth and profit at the Token Sales stage due to the capitalization of the token and financial instruments’ operation.
Praem Capital Ecosystem is:
Profitability and risk minimization thanksto tools diversification that form the investment portfolio.
Praem Trading Bots are designed to handle and initiate trading in the Forex, crypto, and stock markets. Their functionality outperforms any human capabilities as they can process more transactions and handle them faster, eliminate subjectivity, and ensure fault-free operation all to secure profit.
Artificial Intelligencewas created and trained to enhance trading bots’ operation and became an integral part of the ecosystem. AI analyzes social, economical, and political data holistically, makes informed decisions, and compiles valuable recommendations for trading bots.
Machine learning based on transaction history and the sequence of their execution decreases error probability when processing investment tasks.
AI continuously enhances its IQ, timely responds to changes in significant trading conditions and monitors a multitude of factors.
- Technologies power the Praem ecosystemand reduce risks, while insurance provides investors with higher capital security.
Hedge fund guarantees ROI and protects deposits during transactions. In case of a dip, the Fund compensates for 50 to 100 percent of the amount, depending on the investment plan, so that the bots can continue gaining maximum profit out of transactions.
- Even a small start capital has the potential for growth and profit at the ICO stage, due to the capitalization of the token and operations with financial instruments.
Praem Investment Markets
● Forex- The global international currency exchange market.
Capitalization: $7 trillion.
Forex High liquidity, no regulators, accessible margin trading, allows technical
strategies and process automation.
● Crypto- The developing market of highest-volatility digital assets.
Capitalization: over $300 billion. Crypto Currencies Volatility and profitability
are 2-3x higher than in conventional markets. Large trade volumes, high liquidity, data transparency, decentralized assets.
● Stock- Securities market with a rich range of investment tools: stock, bonds, futures, options, dividends. Capitalization: $17 trillion. Stock Market Variety of investment portfolios, flexible risk to-profit margin ratio.
● Real Estate- The low-investment risk economy sector. Capitalization: $9.6 trillion. Real Estate Stable-income strategies, plenty of investment options, allows fundamental and technical analysis.
● VC- Investing in emerging or growing companies. Capitalization: $300 billion.
Lots of promising startups. High profitability that covers severe risks.
Praem Technologies
Today, individual technologies do not allow us to solve the problems of investment security completely. Praem Capital brings together modern investment solutions for high profit and low-risk trading:
Praem Trading Bots
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Synchronization of Trading Bots and AI on a private blockchain
Platform Advantages
● Innovation Technologies
Praem technologies minimize risks and human participation in Forex, cryptocurrency, and stock market trading.
● Profitability
High return on real estate investments and reduced risk in venture capital.
Business Model
Praem Capital assumes excellent growth potential, the measure of which is the PRM token. Capitalization, and the token value, is based on the super-profitability of financial instruments and the growing market value of Artificial Intelligence. Praem Capital has planned to launch the ecosystem in January of 2021.
The most critical stage in this process was attracting individuals, who will generate their income from the profit of financial instruments and become holders of the growing Praem Capital assets – PRM tokens. Furthermore, based on the increase in capitalization, the growth of the token is formed. The cost of artificial intelligence is an essential factor in the company’s capitalization.
Within two months, AI will “gain experience” by constantly analysing a large number of diverse transactions during the Token Sales period. Accordingly, as soon as the cost of artificial intelligence goes up, the capitalization of the entire platform will rise, and the token will increase in value. Although the PRM token’s price chart is almost continually moving up, there may be minor price fluctuations.
Affiliate Partner Program
By using the allocated budget, Praem can also provide a profitable affiliate program. By recommending the highly profitable and low-risk venture Praem Capital, users receive generous rewards every time they purchase a plan. The terms of the affiliate program are clear and straightforward. Everyone can take part in it. By becoming an token holder and purchasing a plan, the user automatically becomes a member of the program. Another feature is the presence of a ranking system. By buying plans during the Token Sales, the user invites active partners, earning up to $ 445K thanks to their structure’s total turnover.
About the Token Sales
The company responsible for the developing Praem’s ecosystem and promotion of PRM tokens is Praem Capital by entro.py GmbH, registered in Switzerland, located at Unterdorfstrasse 19, 8126 Zumikon, Switzerland (CHE-162.293.975). The company responsible for the issuance and distribution of tokens is Praem Capital Ltd. Token sales will be carried out using Praem Capital Ltd investment website.
This Token Sales’s conduct determines the volume, nature, and other essential conditions of legal relations arising between persons purchasing PRM tokens by filling out forms and performing actions on the company’s website. At the ecosystem launch stage, PRM tokens’ sale will comply with KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti Money Laundering) rules to comply with documentation requirements.
Token Sales Goals
The Token Sales allows Praem to achieve two important goals:
Raise funds of at least 3 million USD (Soft Cap) to finance our final product: an ecosystem that combines AI and modern financial instruments based on a private blockchain. Afterward, raise our Hard Cap of 30 million USD for further global integration of the product into commercial and institutional organizations.
Provide participants with the opportunity to use the technologies already created by Praem Capital to make a profit already at the Token Sales stage.
Such exceptional conditions for investors were achieved through agreements with our partner – the Luxembourg Hedge Fund, which allocates funds to finance the project in proportion to investors’ amounts of funds during the Token Sales stages.
General Provisions
● Token symbol / ticker: PRM
● Total number of tokens: 20 million
● Number of tokens distributed through Token Sales: 4 million
● Additional issue of tokens: not possible
● Fundraising (Soft Cap): USD 3 million
● Fundraising (Hard Cap): USD 30 million
● Methods of payment for tokens at the Token Sales stage: ETH, USDT, BTC
Payment methods after the launch of the ecosystem: BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH, USDT, USDC, XRP, BNB, TRX, DASH
Token General Information
The PRM token is an ERC20 standard utility token. Before starting the Token Sales, the source code of the token and smart contracts will be published on GitHub so that every token holder can make sure that the company’s obligations are fulfilled.
The Praem ecosystem targets high growth potential, and the PRM token is the measure of this growth. The PRM token will allow its holders to enjoy platform privileges and receive income from the growth of the value of the token and the operation of financial instruments. After the PRM token is listed on exchanges, token holders will have the opportunity to sell it.
PRM Token Emission and Distribution
The Praem Token (PRM) is the company’s primary asset, and all rights to it belong to Praem Capital.
Total supply: 20,000,000 PRM tokens, which are distributed in the following order:
● 10M – Praem
-6M – an internal reserve of the company
-4M – a budget for sale to achieve Hard Cap
● 4M – Public Sale
● 6M – Hedge Fund
-4M – at the expense of allocating funds for revision;
-2M – for insurance of the operation of financial instruments;
The token issue is limited and is associated with Praem Capital’s initial capitalisation and the possibility for the fund to insure 100% of investors trading balances.
Upon completion of the Token Sales stage, the token holder has the opportunity to:
● exchange tokens with the help of the Fund and fix profit for further work in the ecosystem;
● independently implement the token on the exchange;
● use your accumulated balance from the operation of financial instruments to withdraw or reinvest in the ecosystem.
Token Sales Stages
The Token Sales will be held in three stages:
First Stage – Private Sale
● Number of tokens for sale: 100,000
● Token value: $ 0.50
● Duration: one day – November 5, 2020
Only private investors have access to this stage.
Second Stage – Pre-Sale
The Pre-Sale consists of two rounds, for which the registration with the opportunity to book an investment plan for purchase will open the day before the start.
Pre-Sale Round 1
● Number of tokens for sale 200,000
● Token value: $ 0.70
● Duration: two days – November 6, 2020
Pre-Sale Round 2
● Number of tokens for sale: 200,000
● Token value: $ 0.90
● Duration: two days – November 8, 2020
Third Stage – Public Token Sales
● Number of tokens for sale: 3,500,000
● Token value: $ 1.0
● Duration: from November 10 to January 10, 2021
Budget Allocation
As mentioned earlier, one of the goals of the Token Sales is to raise funds to finalize the ecosystem and launch it. We provide two options for implementing the ecosystem, depending on the number of funds allocated.
Soft Cap
Soft Cap Achievement of 3 million USD and subsequent launch of our ecosystem on a Private Blockchain. Upon reaching the Soft Cap, the work of the ecosystem will be fully automated; there will be an opportunity for cross-niche trading due to our private Blockchain’s development.
Investment plan sales are stopped. Now investors can distribute their grown capital among niches and use the ecosystem without time limits. New users will be able to buy a subscription for any period.
Investor funds are devoted to financial instruments as early as at the Token Sales stage, while the Fund covers Soft Cap for ecosystem enhancement, proportionally to the amount of every plan purchased.
Allocation of Hedge Fund Financing
● Engineering & Development 40%
● Marketing & User acquisition 30%
● Security & Compliance 10%
● Operational & Administrative 8%
● Unexpected expenses 7%
● Legal & Advisory 5%
Hard Cap
Hard Cap Achievement of 30 million USD and subsequent Global Integration. The Hard Cap enables the company to revolutionize the financial sector with a unique product, the Praem Mechanism. It includes AI-powered bots synchronized on a private blockchain. Each buyer will be able to generate their profits more securely. Global integration will make it possible to spread interest in our platform among private investors and commercial and institutional organizations (insurance companies, investment funds, pension funds, banks, and others). The finished working product will help to prepare the documentation for the IPO in a short time, together with entering the crypto exchange.
February 2020 Crypto Bots V5
Annual revision of algorithms for the new year. The AI system’s learning indicators showed greatly improved results, +17%
March 2020 Stock Market Bot V4
After the revision for Praem’s Stock market bot, no major changes were implemented.
April 2020 Praem Exchange Concept
The First concept for the future development of Praem Exchange, which would include 5 investment
May 2020 Forex Bot V4
Final update of the bot’s algorithm before the launch, delivering us much higher profits.
Our team
Nicolas Durr
PhD, Founder & CEO of Praem Capital and Entro.py
Denis Gusev
CMO Praem Capital, Marketing Manager at PrimeXBT
Marina Danylyuk
To get clearer information, please visit the link below:
● Website: http://praem.capital/
● Telegram: https://t.me/PraemCapitalRUS
● Telegram: https://t.me/PraemCapitalENG
● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PraemCapital
● Medium: https://medium.com/@praemcapital