Minggu, 30 September 2018


KIMEX Based on the Blockchain and Crypto Exchange will not fail investors


Kimex tse decentralizovany dvіyovovar varіant, yak khachuєtsya platformom blockchain. Вне pragne gamanet for traders and gamanets from crypto currencies and platforms for trading and industry BO. Traditsіyno merchants skhilnі groshі vtrachati, if kompaniia brokerska, smell of yakoyu pratsyuyut, zakrivaє shop.
Scenario Tse, a type of buggy trader comes to customize dos. Traders, SSMSC vvazhayut maintained upstream of the vikoristovuvati KIMEX platform, mozhut spokіyno vС - dpochivati, znayuchi scho all Costa їh bezpechnС– I zabezpechenС– nalezhnim ranking. rіch well on tsС - y platformС - polyagaС - in fact scho KIMEX team not accessing Mauger otrimati for zasobіv trader oskС - lki zberіgatisya odor will try to block lants too ETH.
Problems with traders:
Trade and industry BO - bagatomillard industry. Napriklad, brokerskС– kompanії BO, scho pratsyuyut on їzraїlі, zmogli zafіksuvati Prybutok on rozmС - rі p'yati mılyardС - v dollarsС - v in 2016 rotsі. How real? Well, every time you buy a BO from a central broker, you mean you are betting on your platform. Thus, the broker otrimae zarobit, scho vie vtrachite.
So I say the problem, so that means that traderi takes the fate in grain, which is unfair. Abo mozhut broker platform is easy to score the trading trader manС - pulyuyuchi tsС - nami Upravlіn the tsС - nami oznachaС "scho this will try to torguvatisya the platform that is corist. If you become a merchant, you cannot do it or not. As a result, you mean that traders will not sing for pleasure, but the smell of everything is on the side of the parties, so they have their own money.
Kimex Prahne presents the P2P Peninsula. In the case of a commercial trader, you can limit the number of your bankrollers. W itshogo side, vlasniki tokens KMX otrimayut groshС– in viglyadі trading zborіv, traders viplachuvanih aktsС - yy shaving is not od, yak in vipadku is iShimi platform.
One person has moved robotics with the platform - the trader is guaranteed payment. OAO All platezhС - povinnС - But the vidanС– in formС - kontaktisіv smart OAO
In a different way, traders recover in poneny prozorosty. Ochikuyutsya, the scho budey doshit platform is fair. Tse Bude dosyagnuto Shlyakhov, the person who is on the Assets Platform blockchain Become a rank, nemozhlivo obduriti torgovtsіv, manіpulyuyuchi tsС – nami.


Decentralized Binary Option Platform Supported by Blockchain

Traders will lose all their money if the brokerage company dies or runs away. This is the worst situation faced by many traders. By using KIMEX.io all funds are secure even the KIMEX.io platform cannot access funds because all funds are stored on the ethereum blockchain.
On unregulated platforms, client money does not need to be stored in a trusted account as required by government financial regulations. Once again, transactions are not monitored by third parties to ensure fair play. By using KIMEX.io, every transaction and bankroll fund can be seen on the ethereum blockchain. Traders will get guaranteed payments if they win.
Only small changes can affect the outcome of the trade. By using KIMEX.io no one can change the price data because it is taken by a smart contract and stored on the blockchain.


The Binary Choice Industry is a multi-billion dollar market. Only in Israel, binary options brokerage companies generated $ 5 billion in profits in 2016
When you buy binary options from a centralized broker, you really bet against the platform. Brokers make money when you lose. PROBLEM & SOLUTION
The Binary Choice Industry is a multi-billion dollar market. Only in Israel, binary options brokerage companies generated $ 5 billion in profits in 2016
When you buy binary options from a centralized broker, you really bet against the platform. Brokers make money when you lose.


Traders are playing an unfair game as broker/platform can cheat on them by manipulating the price which feeds in their favor and blocks traders from withdrawing. So traders may win the trade but lose their money.


Pure P2P market - Traders bet against Bankrollers, KMX token holders benefit from trading fees; not from shaving stocks through traditional platforms.
Payment Guaranteed - Payments are issued by smart contracts that lead to ETH trader addresses. Nobody can block withdrawals.
100% Transparency and Decent enough to get asset prices on blockchain. Therefore cheating by manipulating feed prices is not possible.


The first token sale (also known as an ICO) was held by KIMEX.io in
Sept 2018.
We have successfully reached the soft cap! Join now and get a higher discount.
Get your tokens for the best price: We fixed the Ether price at $500.
  • Public PRE-Sale starts 02 Sept
  • Public PRE-ICO starts 17 Sept
  • Public ICO starts 03 Oct
  • Acceptable currencies ETH
  • Minimal transaction amount 0.01 ETH
  • Number of tokens for sale 150,000,000 KMX (60%)


Decentralized cryptocurrency is produced by the entire cryptocurrency system collectively
at a rate which is defined when the system is created and which is publicly known.


The KMX Token is the center of the KIMEX ecosystem. The token is built on the Ethereum blockchain and traded under the shortened name "KMX" on popular exchanges. The KIMEX token gives its holders the ability to participate in KIMEX platforms and does not represent shares in KIMEX as a legal entity.
The KMX token is the most important aspect of the KMX ecosystem. Without it, the whole business model would not work. The token enables the use of smart contracts, global operation, and value transfers. It is necessary that KIMEX run on the KMX token to ensure the network’s liquidity and stability.
The KMX token has all the attributes that a typical cryptocurrency possesses. These attributes include:
➤ Peer-to-peer, decentralized network
➤ High transaction speed
➤Secured and unhackable system
➤High level of anonymity
➤Not controlled by any organization or governmental body


The ICO usually takes place before the project is completed, and helps fund the expenses
undertaken by the founding team until launch. For some of the larger projects.


Funds raised during the KMX token sale will be used to enhance the benefits of KMX token holders. The ICO proceeds are utilized to build a sustainable business that would continuously bring attractive projects to the ecosystem, increasing the usage and value of KIMEX. Hence, we allocate the ICO funds as follow, to create not only short-term but also long-term values for all stakeholders.
To calculate the number of tokens you’ll receive, you can follow the following formula. Note that this applies to public presale contributions only. If you participated through a syndicate or private presale,
Symbol: KMX
Initial Value: 1 ETH = 6000 KMX
Type: ERC20

For More Information About KIMEX.IO Please Visit Below:
➜ Website : https://www.kimex.io/#/
➜ Whitepaper : https://drive.google.com/file/d/19cBkH-Hb8GQHxJ_Rum_l3lw_YIA5mIck/edit
➜ ANN thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4964492.msg44767584#msg44767584
➜ Telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/Itv2rRGsEiJZGZU10JIGIQ
➜ Twitter : https://twitter.com/Kimex_Official
➜ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/kimexofficial/
My name: Siapuntuktempur


KIMEX EXCHANGE - Decentralized Binary Options Platform

Kimex is really a decentralized parallel framework that's controlled by means of a blockchain arrange. He attempts to demonstrate a pocket for retailers and a handbag with advanced level mazuma and also a phase for your own BO business. By and exceptionally gigantic, sellers incline to shed mazuma once the creditor sodality by they work close the shop.
We Build a stage to your own crypto BO trading business and decent Wallet for traderTraders will shed their money whenever broker provider shuts down or has been conducts off. It's the worst case that lots of dealers face. Using KIMEX.io all capital are safe much KIMEX.io platform cannot get into the capital since all funds have been stored onto ethereum blockchain.
On non-regulated platforms, your customer's currency isn't necessarily kept at a trusted accounts when required by government regulations. Again, trades aren't tracked by third parties so as to make sure fair play.By with KIMEX.io, every trade and deposit funds are payable on ethereum blockchain. Dealers can receive ensured payout should they triumph.
Only A little change may help determine the consequence of a commerce. Through the use of KIMEX.io no body may alter the purchase price data because it's being enticed by smart arrangement and stored at blockchain.
KIMEX.IO Was created by a group of financial professionals that share a cumulative experience of over 15 years in the international currency, OTC markets. A very simple and effortless option to classic trading, KIMEX.IO intends to create people in to traders using its userfriendly platform. KIMEX.IO offers around 85% pay outs, among the top pay outs from the binary solutions market.
Kimex attempts to extend an answer for your own P2P marketplace. In this Decision, traders are going to have the ability to position their stakes against bankrollers. On the flip side, km X cardholders will get money as commerce prices paid by retailers rather than out of shaving stock, as could be true with different platforms.
Some of the advantages of working for this particular platform is that the Traders are certain to pay for. All payments have to be issued in the shape of a wise contract, all obligations needs to be routed into the ETH address, so ensuring no individual or company can prevent the merchants out of getting money. .
Second, traders are convinced to be utterly transparent. Estimated platform will probably be fairly fair. This will probably be reached by buying property deals from the blockchain platform, therefore it's not possible to fool traders to manipulating prices.
Merchants are playing with an unjustifiable diversion because dealer/stage can endanger them by commanding the worthiness that promotes to encourage them and squares agents from yanking straight back. S O agents can win the market yet lose their own cash.
Unadulterated P2P Show Case - Dealers bet against Bankrollers, km X token holders reap the benefits of compounding expenditures; perhaps not from shaving talk through usual stages. Ascertained pay-out - concessions are issued with an wise contract which guides agents ETH address. No body can square brings. 100 percent Transparency and Provably Honest by getting funds cost on the blockchain. There for chicaning by controlling worthiness victual is right into inconceivable.
Mobile APP
The KIMEX.io application takes subsequent to the progress of this automatic exchanging platform and communicates a more frequent mobile client encounter. The exchanging zone looks similarly, and also the screen captures and 'look and feel' organize those of the entire website, or workshop down load. - The mobile application was hauled as a habit designed thing for every single working frame, therefore that the KIMEX.io Android application was engendered entirely for android contrivances. In like fashion, the i-OS application was written in light of this i-phone or even I pod and ensures that it will get the maximum out of the contrivances.
It's the Type of Thoughtfulness about detail which KIMEX.io are becoming kenned for. - Apple's endless modifications together with reverence to paired cognate Software are expeditiously handled by KIMEX.io. They've Re-developed the i-OS adaptation to adhere with the incipient tips. Their Ability to adapt into the transmuting contributing arena is consoling. The incipient sort integrates forex and CFD trading -- And digital money trades are likewise accessible discharged.
Optional ICO:
Acceptable currency: ETH
Minimum transaction amount: 0.01 ETH
total card available for sale: 150 000 000 KMX
Pre-Sale Start Date: 15th of August 2018
Public ICO Starting September 1st
Public Works ICO Start: September 5
My name: Siapuntuktempur


ANGENIUM - Unique Project of Extraction

Hello everyone in this article I will present an interesting ICO analysis, called Angenium, based on the following criteria:
About the project
Angenium is a unique project of the efficiently extract of noble and rare metals, silicon oxides, aluminum and iron from man-caused waste.
We recycle waste, saving the environment from pollution. From the mass of waste, we get a product of high cost. This becomes possible because of the use of a unique sorbent that extracts precious metals with maximum selectivity and is suitable for all types of waste. Today, this technology is absent at the market and has no analogues.
The purity of product is 99.9%, the degree of dispersion is from tens of nanometers to microns. The selectivity of the sorbent is 95%, its universality for all precious metals. Resumption and reuse of the main reagents during processing
Placement and replication of production in any country and region of the world. Ready solutions with a capacity from 5 000 to 1 000 000 tons per year for the processing of ash and pyrite cinders. Adaptation of technologies for various types of waste (SDW, TKO, etc.). Franchise. Ready-made business “on a ready-to-operate basis”
Consumers of non-ferrous metals, including the state, refining companies, electronics manufacturers, manufacturers of cosmetics, medicines, toothpastes, rubber products, composite materials, paints, paper, building mixtures and much more, including agriculture
One of our universal sorbent is 10 times cheaper than each of the imported analogues. Low cost of raw materials: extraction of a certain element from waste is from 5 to 15 times cheaper than at a special deposit
The release of tens of thousands of hectares of territories irretrievably lost under the waste. Does not pollute the environment (atmosphere, water, soil). The 4th and 5th groups of waste: non-toxic and with no need for additional permits for functional. The sorbent is organic
Internal rate of return is from 733%. The cost of raw materials is 10 $ / t., The cost of the products received is from $ 1000 / t. Return of investments in 1 year 8 month after the start of the Pre-ICO. Revenue from 100% per annum for investors from the nominal value of the token
100% decomposition of ash dumps into components is the final products. At processing of ash dumps, only 2 reagents are used: ammonium fluoride and ammonia. At processing of pyritic cinders, the technology is used with recycling of the main reagent - ammonium chloride. It is possible to integrate the facility into the existing ecosystem, including the absorption of industrial and domestic waste
• Import substitution of raw materials, materials and equipment • A wide range of final products; Great market growth potential
All existing technologies in the world for the processing of ash and slag wastes and pyrite cinders are tied to mechanical processing. But no one and nowhere in the world extracts the silicon dioxide (SiO2), alumina (AI203) and iron oxide (red pigment Fe203) from ash dumps with a purity of 99.9% and a dispersion of 10 hM, which is possible only by chemical processing. Similarly, incidentally, with the help of a unique organic sorbent, noble and rare metals are extracted, while their extraction with similar foreign sorbents is practically not cost-effective.
  1. ANGENIUM applies a chemical method of processing using the unique highly selective sorbents, which makes production super-profitable.
  2. The content of any element of the periodic Mendeleev's table in the anthropogenic waste (tailings, dumps, waste products) is not lower, and often even higher than in the corresponding natural deposits, developed especially for that sake.
  3. And the extraction of a certain element from the waste is from 5 to 15 times cheaper than at the deposit!
(95%) of the solutions is the entire spectrum of noble and rare metals: gold, platinum, silver, palladium, iridium, ruthenium, rhodium, osmium; at using of 1 g of the material it is extracted about 0.7 g Iridium, 1.2 g of Platinum, the remaining NM are from 3 to 5;
Imported sorbents are individual for each NB, i.e. for the extraction of different NM the different sorbents are needed, while our sorbent can extract any NM, replacing several analogues at once.
In addition, imported sorbents extract only 1 g of noble metals, using at the same time 5 g of sorbent.
Real income in years ahead
Invest and gain from 100% per annum during 2 years or from 67% per annum during 5 years
Solving of Global Problems
Become a part of the revolutionary project, designed for a radical and large-scale change in the approach to waste treatment
Full control and transparency
Control all components of the project due to the blockchain technology
Sale of tokens on Pre-ICO
SoftCap – $2 000 000
HardCap – $10 000 000
Sale of tokens on ICO
SoftCap – $18 500 000
HardCap – $90 000 000
To find more relevant details from the Angenium project, please follow a number of sources for the following references:
My name: Siapuntuktempur


eLYQD is a decentralized ethereum based ecosystem marketplace that will be the framework for the entire vaping industry. One of the main features of eLYQD is the use of blockchain technology, which allows making the platform transparent, open and as safe as possible for both transaction parties, reduction of transaction and business costs, and simplifying of the purchase process.
eLYQD is a platform designed to allow vaping industry manufacturers to create an online store that will make good use of the most advanced technologies in the e-commerce field, and providing the vaping community the freedom of choice and the option to pay for products with LYQD tokens, fiat or cryptocurrencies.
How It Works
The eLYQD marketplace will increase the efficacy of all business interactions by freeing them from all kinds of middlemen and making those interactions immediate, transparent, secure and mutually beneficial. This vision will be achieved by creating a fast blockchain-based decentralized ecosystem and organizing user interactions on the peer-to-peer basis. The eLYQD ecosystem will be used by mass consumers and product manufacturers, from all around the world.
    Distributed blockchain ensures total transparency and verification of each transaction, including detailed product characteristics, its price structure, relevant circumstances of the sale, as well as reputed profiles of the sale parties. The eLYQD ecosystem will be deployed on the Ethereum platform.
    The peer-to-peer principle of interaction within eLYQD will allow all participants to interact directly. This removes middleman-related costs. The price of a product or a service will be passed over to the manufacturer in its entirety. The end-price of a product will only contain real production costs and a fair margin.
    Payments within the eLYQD ecosystem will be effected in the system's own crypto-tokens—LYQD, ERC20-compliant. The function of the token will be to reward users for active use of the ecosystem and contributions to its development (rewards include several types of crypto-paybacks, loyalty, promotions).
    In the case of a dispute between buyer and seller, an arbitration service is available. We encourage sellers to choose an arbitrator, as it increases the trust level for buyers and also the probability that purchases will be made. If both parties dispute a transaction, the seller will pay the arbitrator out of the escrowed funds. For buyers, arbitration is always free of charge.
    Every seller and buyer will have a reputation rating derived from their conduct during every transaction. Users with a low or negative reputation score may be filtered out, in order to protect other users from fraud and wasted time. This reputation system will encourage legitimate merchants and customers to act honestly and to build up a solid reputation.
    Ether, like all cryptocurrencies, is volatile, changing in value on a daily basis, relative to national currencies like the dollar and the euro. eLYQD will develop an integrated payment system that works like ether, but converts to currencies at a ratio of 1:1. Finally, items can be priced in a national currency, and you will know exactly how much you're spending or being paid.
Within the eLYQD ecosystem, brands, consumers, arbiters, distribution and shippers interact directly with one another. Transactions are powered by LYQD and therefore they are fast, secure and transparent. There is no need for intermediaries that exist in traditional vaping ecosystems. eLYQD will retain all the value generated by the community within the ecosystem.
Token Distribution
Token Sale Structure
Listed below are a few of the upcoming milestones of the eLYQD project.
  • 2018 › An idea is born. A decentralized marketplace exclusively for the vaping industry › Bringing some serious change through our direct to consumer marketplace
  • Q3 - Q4 2018 › Funding for development › Launch of the marketplace via sale of LYQD tokens
  • Q1 2019 › Development of an alpha version of the marketplace testing › All connections made through HTTPS › Escrow & Arbitration smart contracts › Universal search bar › Blockchain caching system › Free, private image uploading › Unencrypted chat system › x2 Geth and caching nodes
  • Q2 2019 › Blockchain caching system › Free, private image uploading › Unencrypted chat system › Public beta testing › Localization in 20 languages › Error reporting system › Status.im integration › Web version & filtering system › Importable theme system › Shipping provider integration
  • Q3 2019 › Escrow app & arbitration providers › Importable theme system › Naming system, Sigs & Nametags › Reputation system › Shipping provider integration › Variable and safe-low gas cost › Reputation system › Mobile apps for iOS and Android › Additional shipping provider integration › Storefront system › Bulk inventory upload
  • Q4 2019 › Live desktop app for escrow and arbitration › Live Status.im app › Live web version › Integrated encrypted chat system › Filtering system › Variable and safe-low gas cost › Complete Geth and caching node network › Storefront system › Bulk inventory upload › Additional languages › Fiat payment system
You can find out more about the platform or participate in their sales crowd through the following links:
My name: Siapuntuktempur

Sabtu, 29 September 2018


Blokbiz — Safe Crypto investments, controlled project

BlokBiz is a crowdfunding stage inside the cryptographic cash area. We will presumably build a phase where all the recorded ICOs are consummately checked by our Team utilizing all around avowed consistence and AML strategies. Simply those sodalities can appear on our stage which thoroughly passing on the beforehand verbally expressed technique. Examiners can scrutinize on our stage for ICO theories understanding that every sodality is meticulously checked and assessed. We moreover pass on the bolstered designates the sodalities in partitions in perspective of their monetary arrangement plan and the headway in the errand. In case the assignment does not proceed with the financed aggregates will be sent back to the theorists. Our instruments for achieving these goals are throughout the day, consistently customer advantage, cleaned faculty, rigorous methodologies, obliging perspective and submitted assignment chiefs for enrolled ICOs to open up supervision and efficacy.
BlokBiz is a secured and monitored crowdfunding portal. It is an intermediary that combines blockchain technology with the most secure compliance methods used by big commercial banks. BlokBiz gives solution to the current ICO and cryptocurrency investment issues. Filters financial criminal activities such as scam ICOs, money laundering, terrorism and black market financing. We dedicate a project manager for each and every ICO project, so it is directly monitored and guided by our Team.
We issue our own tokens (XBZ) for several reasons. While this helps us Finance most projects, it will also help our investors minimize their investment costs and allow them to benefit from our operations in the future. Our goal is to make the ICO market much safer and more transparent. We will create a truly friendly platform for Investors and listed companies to reduce costs and energy spent on their fundraising. Our vision is to create a service package named BlokBiz that represents trust and security. A group of platforms that creates and maintains a strong center in the ICO market.
The coin market is getting more and more spread among the Investors. The
promising high yield encourages more people the rearrange their assets to the
cryptomarket which is inevitably increases the number of frauds. The daily amount of frauds is about 20 million in USD. Our company’s goal is to curb the spread of scam ICOs and create a crypto-investment portal, where all the investors can be sure that the company they are investing in is a fully-monitored, fully-checked and guided entity. BlokBiz uses the following methods to put the cryptomarket on a more trusted road:
Companies are monitored by our compliance department. Compliance experts are reviewing the projects’ goals, Cash Flow Projections, history of all owners, organizational chart till the Holding, Bank Reference from company and owners. etc.

Problems with the ICO market

  • Overall Numerous ICO’s have suitable vision and revolutionary plan for the future, but approximately 2% of them will be successful. Unfortunately, majority of the coins are scams or pump and dump schemes, moreover they cause huge financial damages to the investors. Nowadays, nobody knows which is a viable or unviable project, therefore this type of market is excessively dangerous and unreliable.
  • Trust issues Scammers have too many possibilities to cheat. They spend lots of money for marketing activities and have great and credible appearance. These ICO’s are similar to real projects with the difference of their only aim is to defraud money. The conclusion is: it’s a hard work for investors to find the appropriate ICO to invest in.
  • Great projects are still failing Even if the project is meant to be a viable and real one there might be internal or external issues that can hinder or restrain its existence. A good project with bad management has little to no future in the market and can cause the same amount of loss to the investors as the fraudulent projects.
  • Pump & Dump Schemes In this kind of market the most typical phenomenon is manipulating the price. Generally, the capitalization of ICO’s are not too large-scale, so obviously their prices can be easily vectored. The same thing happens when a large amount of call order increases the price and everybody makes a large profit and after then nearly the same amount is sold and the price drop down and the ICO might become worthless.

The BlokBiz Method

  • Compliance check Our team demands several official company and due dilligence documents. Every owner is checked in world-wide standard AML softwares.
  • Selection of the projects Successfully passing the compliance check is not determining the viability of the project. BlokBiz interviews the company’s team members and rates their professionalism and the viability of the project.
  • Dedicated project manager If the company passes the interview a dedicated project manager will be assigned to the project. The project manager will keep close contact with the company members and will inform the investors about the progress of the project.
  • Creating the token contract for the company BlokBiz issues and manages the funded companies’ token stocks. In that way we are preventing artifical ‘Pump & Dump’ schemes made by companies.
  • Pay out in intallments Company should deliever a cashflow plan, and a roadmap. Our compliance experts review the plan, approves the amount of Ethereum that is necessary for the project, and will send to the company in installments depending on the progress in the project.
  • Refund If the company has collected the target amount by the deadline but does not show any progress, investors will not lose all of their invested Ethereum coins.

Technical information

The purpose of the issuance and delivery of tokens to the investors consists of two parts.
This speeds up the project development process so that it can get started early. However, the launch of the platform does not depend on the successful sale of tokens. Raising capital from the sale of tokens has to be accelerator. This is why xbz tokens can be returned during the sales period.
The presence of the token XBZ will reduce transaction costs of the owner on the platform BlokBiz. Investors have the opportunity to get these tokens at very reasonable prices during the pre-sale and soft margin, but the tokens will be available during the Blokbiz platform at a higher price.

BlockBiz Info Token

Symbol Token: XBZ
Platform: Etheruem
Total supply: 100 000 000 XBZ
85% of tokens will be sold
Tokens will be available for purchase after the sales period because they can be used to reduce transaction costs with the BlokBiz portal
Prices at the start of sales 3252 XBZ = 1 ETH
There is no white list
When sales are over, BlockBiz will start offer our tokens at a price of 1891 XBZ = 1 ETH and may change due to supply in their own stocks.


Further information:

My name: Siapuntuktempur

The Team123 International project

  The Team 123 Crypto project is very successful project passionate about systematic Team building. Our goal for this registration link is t...