Senin, 22 Februari 2021

Greeneum " To Make Next energy More Better Than Today "

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Global Warming has a real impact on our lives daily. Not only us who feel it, but all the ecosystems on earth also feel the impact of this global warming. Although there are some who benefit from global warming, but it is only a small part of the negative impact caused. And as we all know, global warming will cause the following factors, including:

√ Melting Glaciers, ( increases sea level which can cause flooding )
√ The Occurrence Of Climate Change, ( it often rains due to evaporation of sea water )
√ Affect Agriculture,( The occurrence of crop failure because the plants are difficult to survive )
√ Heat Wave, ( Causing dangerous hot weather and in recent years, frequent forest fires )
√ Damage to marine ecosystems, ( Damage to the condition of the world's coral reefs continues to decrease due to global warming. Once coral reefs are affected, the entire developing ecosystem becomes obsolete, including a decline in the fisheries sector ) There are many more consequences resulting from this global warming.

Energy savings are needed to reduce the effects of global warming, for example by replanting trees in large numbers, because trees also improve air quality and reduce the impact of summer temperatures. And also a tree planted on the property can help homeowners save 15 to 30 percent in electricity costs. Apart from planting trees, we can also use alternative technologies that are anti-greenhouse emissions. And this time I introduce to you a project that aims to create clean energy using the help of alternative and innovative blockchain technology that will give maximum results from the negative effects of global warming.

Greeneum ,,, !!!!!!!!

" Building The Green Future We Want To Live In "

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√ Greeneum Is ??

Is a green project using innovative technology through a blockchain network designed to save natural resources, which aims for better human survival, healthier, and certainly energy efficient. Greeneum is a green technology company to support energy savings due to excessive carbon emissions. Greeneum has an official certificate to trade Peer-to-Peer (P2P), secure Decentralized Applications (DAPPS), and Marketplace. And it is hoped that investors, both individuals and company owners, will be able to participate in the program developed by Greeneum.

√ What Programs Are Planned And Developed By Greeneum To Create A Clean Economy. ???

Creating a green world, is not as easy as we imagine. Because besides the intention and cooperation of all parties, creating a green world requires a very large cost to make it happen. Therefore, Greeneum created a bank as a means to collect funds from investors, both individuals and company owners, to support the realization of the goals that Greeneum wants to achieve, namely creating a pollution-free and energy-efficient green world together.
Investors or users who have supported Greeneum in creating a green world, will be rewarded with GREEN Tokens, which can be traded on several exchanges.

Increasing the use of excessive Energy can make the amount of available energy quickly depleted. If allowed to continue it can lead to increased climate excess. Therefore, Greeneum came to offer energy that is friendly to the environment. And users can trade and produce their energy in large quantities with the help of Greeneum technology.
Greeneum is a network Platform that aims to create GREEN energy through decentralized applications. And this application is very useful for society, traders and investors. And the applications offered have their respective functions and uses. Among others are :
√ SolarPets, ( Made for residential, commercial or industrial manufacturers and solar energy companies. Because Greeneum uses an innovative technology consisting of solar cells that convert light into electricity. They are called solar over the Sun or "sol" because the Sun is the strongest usable light source. will not reduce earth fuel )
√ SaaS, ( For traders who want to trade their GREEN Tokens. And have high utility, GREEN Tokens are very profitable for their owners ) decentralized for utilities and micro networks for energy optimization & energy trading.
√ Green Capital, ( Created to help entrepreneurs in the property sector to use the Greeneum application and environmentally friendly properties. For green projects and technology )
√ Greeneum Green Certificate & Carbon Credit, ( Greeneum has been officially certified and has the freedom to trade assets owned, especially for investors who have participated in the green economy program. Because the Greeneum application is connected to the ethereum network that is decentralized and environmentally friendly )

By optimizing assets, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) energy trading, secure Decentralized Applications (DAPPS), and a Marketplace, Greeneum plays an important role in realizing the creation of efficient Green energy in large quantities.

√ GREEN Token function !!

• Can Used to buy products from the market while contributing to sustainability.
• As a gift for users who have participated in the Greeneum platform.
• As a medium of exchange that can be used for buying and selling transactions on the open market.

GREENEUM is currently listed on

√ RoadMap,


√ Teams,



By creating environmentally friendly energy and green economic growth, Greeneum increases access to domestic energy resources such as the use of geothermal energy, water, solar power and helps reduce vulnerability to changes in the global energy market. That's why green energy includes all renewable energy sources such as (solar power, wind, geothermal, biofuels, hydropower), The term green energy was created to separate fossil fuels that cause high levels of pollution from other fuels that result in lower pollution and are environmentally friendly, such as renewable energy sources. Climate change has become a global threat, and the world needs to find clean energy options (less emissions), and thus green energy is essential to continue to grow, and the Greeneum Project has an important role to play in this.

The Offiacial Channel From This Project :



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